분류 부동산

고수익 사업체 소개합니다.

작성자 정보

  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


고수익 사업체 소개합니다.

. Located in rapidly growing, booming port city of Prince Rupert

. Long and very well-established Pub/Restaurant by the sea

. Sales over two (2) million (55% foods and 45%Liquor)

. Net Profit close to a half million

. Well organized system, loyal employees and being operated by the
same old couple who wishes to retire.

. Training can be provided for smooth transition

. Financing may be possible up to 60% depending on the buyer’s credibility.

. SHARE Sale at $3.6 Million (Land, Building, equipment all included)

. Excellent Business opportunity for family or partners.

. More detailed information is available on request. Serious buyers only

문의 : 유종수부동산 604 802 0786,  Brenda부동산 604 700 9178


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